Sunday, December 30, 2007

Astrology Revised: New Zodiac Sign

The new zodiac sign, Ophiuchus-the serpent bearer, is incorporated due to "precession", the corrected position of the sun within constellation boundaries. So...just recheck your zodiac sign again. (Ref: The real solar zodiac)
Aries (19 April - 13 May)
Taurus (14 May - 19 June)
Gemini (20 June - 20 July)
Cancer (21 July - 9 August)
Leo (10 August - 15 September)
Virgo (16 September - 30 October)
Libra (31 October - 22 November)
Scorpio (23 November - 29 November)
*Ophiucus (30 November - 17 December)*
Sagittarius (18 December - 18 January)
Capricorn (19 January - 15 February)
Aquarius (16 February - 11 March)
Pisces (12 March - 18 April)

Ophiucus, the serpent bearer
Special thanks to Bihlie for the critical comment


Anonymous said...

This is ineresting, very interesting. I am glad for the opportuniy to read more about this thought process I actually just heard about today.
Annette Toledo, Ohio

Surya said...

Hi Annette,
I'm happy too to share anything I know. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please drop by again at anytime for my future posting.


Anonymous said...

I don't think so, if this is true that makes me a gimini and I am not a gimini, I am a cancer, born on the 4th of July

Unknown said...

I can't believe it: I've been bumped! I was always so proud of my sign; now, I'm not so sure!!

Unknown said...

I've been bumped! I was always so proud of being a Gemini. I'm something else, now.

Nikky x said...

Is this true?
I stay the same but im rather interested in all of this atm.

Chloe said...

But, I'm not a gemini at all, I'm a cancer. Guh, childish it seems to get annoyed by something as this, but still. I'm 1 day out of being a cancer again >.<

Anonymous said...

nice stuff here, very very nice

Arlet Villanueva said...

I'm not sure but I guess this will only apply to the newborns since the position of the heavenly bodies hasn't changed yet when we were born.

Arlet Villanueva said...

Oh this is dated 2007, now I am really confused? How many revisions has it been since the 90's anyway! I thought this was the latest. HAHAHA

Anyway if it's not, there's a new revision of the zodiac, some details are posted in Times

Nov 23 seems confusing as it's either Libra or scorpio :D

Anonymous said...

This is bullshit--I am and always will be a Gemini! The Zodiac signs have been the same for so long so why in the world would someone want to change it now?!? You can change your sign all you want but I am and will always be a Gemini!
Cheryl, Georgia

Anonymous said...

so this makes all those documentary mysteries a hoax? if every "end of the world" videos or studies is through the calculation of these zodiacs, then all of it must be a joke.

Anonymous said...

i thought it was just added as a constellation but not really recognize as part of the 12th zodiac more info here: