Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Writing Chinese Cheque: 数字

简体字 - 大写字--- Number
-- ----------- 0

------------- 1
------------- 2
------------- 3
------------- 4
------------- 5
------------- 6
------------- 7
------------- 8
------------- 9
------------- 10
------------- 100
------------- 1000
------------- 10.000
-- 亿 ----------- 100.000.000

For example:

RMB 5678.18

Many thanks to Jiangyang

Rest in Peace, PekPiu

Deepest condolence to my Taichi teacher, PekPiu.
Even we just met for couple months, it's so meaningful to me. I've learnt a lot of thing from you. Without you, I'd have never had chance to join the taichi competition and to share the beauty of each movements to my students here. Yet, I need to learn more from you still. Indeed, after returning back from China, I plan to have more discussion about the philosophy of taichi and the chi power. Now what I can do is just to re-memorise anything you have taught me. May you be born in a better place.








Monday, July 30, 2007

Chinese Spitting Habit: Not a Culture

Walking on the street in any place in China, small town, big cities, I can always hear "hoerrrgghhh piuhhh...^%^#^$##" almost anytime. Mostly done by elderly, but sometimes also by young people, even students, the educated community. Is it kind of a culture in China (mainland)?

I know someone who does this habit. But, when he was in Hongkong for a short stay, he has never ever done spitting. At least that's what he said to me, as he was cautiously preventing to get a $HK 1500 penalty for spitting. He himself was the one who reminded me not to do spitting in Hongkong. He also told me that HK is a very very clean place, despite huge crowd of people. Spitting might be easily noticed in HK. Hmmm....

Anyway, when he returned back to China mainland... here we go again that disgusting sound&^%*&$#%$

I have tried to change his habit, but my effort seems to be nil... Environment plays an important role here. Yes, the environment! Where his environment here in China mainland, almost any time any place you can see or hear people spitting.

So, I'm just wondering whether this spitting habit can be eliminated? How to make them aware about the disease-induced effect of spitting. How to open their mind to change this habit? Should they, in order to change their habit, be brought to a place like Hongkong, Singapore where spitting is legally banned? Can this habit be changed?

So far, my starting point is just to keep telling someone I know, particularly when he wants to spit, then I should start delivering him some lecture against spitting, again and again. Well well...
>>>Bad habit, easy to learn, difficult to change<<<

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Unexplained Uncomfortable Feeling

There will be a situation where you feel completely uncomfortable for no particular reason, while you know you've done nothing wrong. I guess what you need to do is just to accept the situation, nothing else you can do. Karma does works!

Accepting such an uncomfortable situation might be very difficult. Again, just take it as the result of your karma. If that happens to me, well, just think and introspect:

  • What's the main cause of this weird uncomfortable feeling? The cause might be a simple little problem. But don't underestimate it (Remember! Little problem can cause extreme impact: desperation, suicide, etc); So never underestimate them!). Initially, you have to find out what the main cause is that stimulates such uncomfortable situation/feeling
  • Once you've identified the main problem, would that remind you whether you have done the same thing causing other people uncomfortable before.
  • If that doesn't remind you anything, hope that makes you realise that you had done this to other people in your previous life time. (This makes you easier to accept such situation, as this is how karma works, or I should say, the beauty of karma)

Generally, when I experience this uncomfortable situation, the way I deal with it is by diverting my mind, by thinking good or favourite thing to do in the shortcoming period, for example: tomorrow my friends and I will cook lunch together, go to the beach, and so on (Thus, to have friends are very important!). No need to be so desperate! Eventually, you will be abble to accept this uncomfortable feeling (as the fruit of your karma) and at the same time, you will no longer be such a desperate person pitying yourself. It does works to me!

Another way is to develop positive thinking and don't make any prejudice. Sometimes, I put my self in his/her situation, why he/she did this to me? There must a be a "unique"reason why he/she made me angry for example. If you can't see what the reason is, then just have a little smile, tell your self that he/she just made a bad karma for him/her self.

But remember, keep your self cool-headed, do not make any bad karma again, for example: you've identified that apparently someone you are familiar with, was the one who made you feel uncomfortable. Then, don't plan any revenge on him/her. Don't let the karma cycle continously moving on you.

>>>May everyone be well and happy<<<

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dalian VS Qingdao

Just my opinion. Well, I like living in a sea side city, and it must be a relaxing and not a rushing one. So, that's why I choose Dalian to study Chinese language. I've done several trips visiting other places in several provinces in China (including Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Henan, also Shanghai). Yesterday, I just got back from Qingdao in Shandong Province, visiting there for about 4 days.

From what I've seen, I think Qingdao is better than Dalian, the city is more modern and well-arranged, and of course beaches are much more beautiful than Dalian's. So, if you are into beach culture, you'll like Qingdao very much. Qingdao has more wide sandy beaches, so plenty choices of place on where to swim and do the sun bathing. (Still, can't be compared to the ones in Bali or Goldcoast thou).

However, eventhough beaches in Dalian are not as good as the ones in Qingdao, Dalian offers more places to visit, such as beautiful parks, seaview scenic spots, mountainous landscapes, hills, etc. Well, Qingdao doesn't have many mountains.

Having trip to Qingdao in the summer, I can say that the best thing is enjoying and relaxing yourself on the beach. Yet, I just recommend to stay there for 3 days 2 nights. Too short will be rushing, too long will be boring.

Probably due to that I've lived in Dalian for about 1 year, so I am more used to with Dalian's life. In addition, I guess Dalian is more dynamic with respect to all aspects (this also what I've heard at the 1st time when asking people about Dalian): fashion, different types of places to visit, Chinese Navy base camp, agriculture product, etc. While about Qingdao: beach, beach, and beach. I realise that I'm not supposed to compare nor to judge about Dalian and Qingdao as I just experienced Qingdao in such a short period of visit. Well, it's just my own opinion from the impression I had. Qingdao has prettier beaches than Dalian, but I like Dalian still*&^%*&^%* hehe :-)

How Full Are You?

The Chinese proverb:


Meaning: eat enough breakfast, allow to satisfy yourself for lunch, little portion for dinner.

However, in a particular condition, you are attending an all you can eat lunch or dinner. Another question arouse in my head, "When do I have to stop eating?"

Answer: When you feel already full but at the same time you still think that you can grab some more dessert into your mouth. This is the time to STOP eating! Satisfying your desire to continue to eat, then you'll feel overly saturated, consequently: low concentration, passive body movement; the worst thing, you want to sleep but you can not sleep.

Well, it did happen to me several time (as I can't resist an offer of a tasty tiramisu eventhough I've been so full, douchhh!!!). So, what I did was just to take a 15-20 slow walk, then have a cup of hot tea (no sugar at all!). To my experience, the most bitter hot tea has more comforting effect to my stomach. That's why, kuding cha (苦丁茶), the Chinese bitter tea, is one of my favorite!

Qingdao's daily meals: Donkey, Pupa, and "Bekicot" the snail

donkey soup fried pupa
bekicot snail

All of them taste really yummy!!! But be careful when eating "bekicot", DO NOT eat the gut part (black intestine part) as it tastes bitter.

Kuma's Pumpkin Soup

yummy creamy pumpkin soup

Boil water and add the following ingredients consecutively:
  1. already boiled and mashed pumpkin
  2. salt, white pepper, chicken stock
  3. full cream milk
  4. maize flour/corn starch for thickening (not necessarily! added if only it isn't thick enough)
  5. small box cut of fresh mushroom
  6. butter
  7. chicken egg, white part only, beaten, pour after the fire is turned off
  8. sliced coriander

Spaghetti Carbonara ala Nao

Prepare:Nao Yamada
  1. brown onion and garlic, cut into small slices
  2. bacon, cut into small slices
  3. mayonaise
  4. canned salmon
  5. eggs, salt, and black pepper
  • Fry garlic, onion, bacon; Add some salt and black pepper
  • Boil spaghetti pasta, drain it, and mix it with mayonaise and canned smoked salmon
  • Last, beat 1 or 2 egg(s), mix it well with the pasta while it's still hot
>>>Nao Yamada (School of Chinese Studies, Dawai)

Fruity Spaghetti

Prepare: Zhong Dao

  1. spaghetti pasta
  2. brown onion, cut into small boxes
  3. two fruits that have sweet and sour taste (apple, peach, pineapple, etc), shredded!
  4. 400 grams of minced beef + 400 grams of minced pork
  5. plum barbeque sauce
  6. salt, white/black pepper, seafood/beef stock, tomato sauce, salt
  • fry brown onion until a bit yellowy, then add some pepper and salt. (Put the salt in the end only, otherwise it will be too watery)
  • pour the fruit juice altogether with the onion in the frying pan
  • fry minced beef and pork, then mix them altogether with the sauce
  • last, tune the taste by adding: seafood/beef stock, salt, pepper, tomato sauce, and BBQ sauce
Boil the spaghetti pasta, drain it, and mix it with the sauce.

>>>Many thanks to Zhongdao, my chuji A1 class mate, Dalian

Kimchi Lee Yoon Jin

Mix following ingredients:

  • 1 green radish cut into long thin slice
  • 1 bunch of chives cut into the same size as the radish slice
  • 1 brown onion cut into thin slice
  • 1 clove of garlic grounded fine
  • 2.5 cup of Korean chilly powder
  • 2 spoonful of white sugar
  • coarse salt
  • 1 big chinese cabbage divided into 2 parts
(1.5 cup salt: 1.5 cup water)>>> soak the cabbages well. Wait for about 2-3 hrs or until the steam is easily bent without breaking it.
Then drain it for about 45 minutes (so no more salt water inside the cabbage).
Mix well the cabbages and already prepared ingredients.
Keep it in a cool shady place (no sunshine), taste them everyday. If the Kimchi suits your taste already (may take 2-3 days), then you can keep it inside the fridge.


***Many thanks to Lee Yoon Jin, my Korean friend at Dawai.

Fixed Expression on Four Chinese Characters

红花绿树: lots varieties of flower and trees
青山绿水: have a beautiful scenery of mount and lake
五花八门: any good any thing is available
花花绿绿: has many color based on visualization, bright colored
五颜六色: has lots of color (emphasize on: color)
五彩缤纷 beautifully colorful

  1. 长生不老: immortality
  2. 聪明能干;年轻有为: smart competent promising age
  3. 丰富多彩(的): hilarious cheerful and merry (like in a party)
  4. 平安无事: safe and sound
  5. 四肢无力(的): have no physical strength and power
  6. 一针见血: straight into the heart
  7. 装模作样: pretending
  8. 艰苦奋斗: difficult struggling
  9. 炎黄子孙: Chinese descendant
  10. 热情周到: the real hospitality
  11. 款式新颖: attractive genius design
  12. 做工精细: fine delicate work
  13. 宾至如归: feel like home
  14. 兴旺繁荣(的): prosperous and nourishing
  15. 出谋划策: to give counsel
  16. 互敬互爱: love and respect each other (in general context)
  17. 原封不动: left intact and untouched
  18. 热情好客: warmth and friendly
  19. 盛情款待: kindness, great hospitality
  20. 招商引资: attractive to business and investment
  21. 四季如春: a place where all the time seems like spring forever
  22. 旅游胜地: tourist destination
  23. 名胜古迹: place of historical interest
  24. 脱贫致富: upper the poverty line
  25. 供不应求: demand exceeds supply
  26. 独生子女: the only child in one family
  27. 力所能及: based on own capability
  28. 与众不同: be different from others
  29. 大同小异: just similar, not much difference (of an idea, thing, etc)
  30. 明知故问: asking while already knowing the answer, unnecessary asking
  31. 岂有此理: how come it could be like this?!
  32. 胡说八道: bullshit
  33. 挑拨离间: like to ruin other people relationship/friendship
  34. 手忙脚乱: flurry due to excessively busy
  35. 真材实料: original good
  36. 梦寐以求: yearning for something everyday
  37. 一文不值: worthless thing
  38. 头脑简单;四肢发达: no brain; only good looking physically
  39. 爱慕虚荣: love being excessively pride
  40. 讲究外表: pay attention to appearance
  41. 外强中干: strong outside appearance but weak inside
  42. 名副其实: indeed good

Happy Birthday Cingwe

Dear my brother, may you become more mature on your 23rd birthday, may you always be well and happy. Zhu ni shenti jiankang xingfu kuaile :-)

Sorry for the post delay. I just arrived back to Dalian and got my internet access. Doesn't mean i missed it thou hieheheh...

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Today, I went to the zoo, Dalian Zoo. Taking a picture of this cute creature. Funny... was my first impression. Also inviting other people and me to smile watching his behaviour....

I've downloaded my picture into my laptop. Still got a funny impression to see this little friend, but something was catching my eyes... his eyes, seems to be cheerful and playful outside, but his gaze seems to keep lots of question; Where are my mum and dad? where is my home, a place with big green trees and shady leaves, a place for my better future? not this one, too many big creatures passing by, shouting and laughing at me. I need my freedom... I want to enjoy my present moment.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


North East China, famous with their different kind of bread, or in chinese: mianbao ( 面包). Among all, huajuan (花卷) is one of my favorite. Soft texture with a little taste of sweet and the aroma of chinese wine.

Pempek Goreng


  • Spanish mackerel fillet; don't use the meat around the stomach as it is a bit too oily; don't use the red part (red meat near the fish bone)
  • small red onion (cut into thick slice)
  • salt, sugar, MSG (though i don't want to use it, it's a must!), white pepper powder
  • cassava starch (tapioca flour)
How to make:
  1. use a spoon to scratch the flesh (You'll get the flesh pulp). Put it in any kind of bowl.
  2. as a comparison on the number of bowl of fish and water you need to mix: 1 bowl of fish pulp-1 bowl of water, 2 bowl of fish pulp-2 bowl of water, etc. Note: 1 bowl of water is not really full of water within the bowl, however just fill the bowl until reaching 80% of the bowl height.
  3. mix them well using a potato masher. Note: if you just use a spoon, make sure you always mix it one way, either clock wise only or contra clock wise only.
  4. liquidify sugar, salt, MSG with water before mixing them with the fish pulp.
  5. add a little amount of white pepper powder and sliced red onion.
  6. add tapioca flour approximatelly until the pulp becomes slighlty harder (the less the flour the better)
  7. take the dough per spoon and fry them
For the condiment, mix the following ingredients in a bowl consecutively:
  • bird's eye chilly - grounded coarsly
  • garlic 1 clove - grounded fine with a little amout of salt
  • a little amount of spiced cabbage pickle / dongcai (冬菜)
  • rice vinegar
  • coconut sugar - melted (coocked with a little water)
  • if it isn't salty enough just add dark soy sauce
  • filter the mixture to get a fine dark liquid as the condiment
>>><<<pempek goreng
When my uncle taught me to make the condiment, there was no exact measurement on how much amount of each ingredients to use. However, the condiment tasted so great! So, trust your own tongue!!!

Season for Peach and Peer

Yup, my aunty, uncle, and I went to the market today, to buy some fruit. Geeeee... "very cheap!!!" Yes, at least that's what they said regarding the price of fruits and vegetables in Dalian. Hey, that's not fair, of course it can't be compared to prices in Hongkong.

So, they bought any different kinds of fruit they noticed.

peaches and peersUpper (L to R): pear 1 (鸭梨), peach big (水蜜桃), pear 2 (香水梨)

Middle (L to R): peach medium (水蜜桃), apple pear (苹果梨), plum (李子)

Lower (L to R): peach small (水蜜桃), apricot (杏子)

My favorite is the big peach, mmm... the fruit flesh is so thick, sweet, and juicy. And yes, they do sell the peach here based on 3 different size with different prices.

Anyway, I can't find the particular english name of each pear, so i just label them with number. The apple pear has a taste and texture like an apple. We missed the banana pear... hmm I think we should buy some tomorrow ^-^

Cooking Day

home cooking"It's nice to have a visit from my aunty and uncle". My uncle was born in Palembang, so he knows how to make a tasty "pempek", a traditional food from Palembang, South Sumatera. He taught me how to make it. I'll post the pempek recipe very soon. We cooked lots of sea food, heaps heaps of seafood here in Dalian, including tenggiri, a kind of mackerel to make pempek, Yummm....

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

About Tea

a tea set

Long long time ago in China, there was a king who loved to go hunting. One day he and his guards went for hunting. During hunting, the king felt thirsty. He wanted to drink hot water only (as most Chinese do until now). The guard started to boil some water they brought. Just before boiling, suddenly the wind blew, couple leaves fell down into the water. The guards worried about this. One of the guard tasted the water. He thought that the taste was good. Followed by other guards tasting the water, they also had the same thought. Then the king also tasted it, eventually also ended up with the same idea ... Good Taste ... Good Tea! ^.^

To make tea with the best taste, of course you to need use good tea leaves. Apart from that, you must also carefully pay attention to water you use. The best to the less good hot water to use are from:

  1. spring water
  2. rain water (left for couple days)
  3. melted snow/glacier (also left for couple days)
  4. bored water
  5. tap water

HABIT. When the host is pouring the tea into your cup, you need to knock your finger(s) on the table:

  1. One finger (usually point finger), representing only you your self in expressing 'thank you' to the host
  2. Two fingers (usually point and middle fingers), representing couple (husband-wife) in expressing so
  3. Five fingers, representing a group of people in expressing so

>>> Enjoy Your Tea <<<

The Four Famous Beauties of Ancient China

Xishi 西施 - Her beauty causing all fish to sink 沉鱼

Dynasty: Zhan guo 战国 (B.C. 475 - 221)

Beauty power: It's said that when Xishi was looking at herself on the water surface, all fish were astonished by her beauty until sinking down to the bottom of the river.

Weak point: Big feet; Thus, she used to wear a long gown

Role: Conquering a kingdom with her beauty

Commonly represented in the painting as: Xishi Washing Veil _ 西施浣纱纱 (xīshī huàn shā)


Wan Zhaojun 王昭君- Her beauty causing flocks of flying geese to fall down 落雁

Dynasty: Han 汉朝 (B.C. 206 - A.D. 25)

Beauty power: Causing a flock of flying geese stunned and consequently fell down when seeing her beauty

Weak point: Slipped shoulder; Hence she used to wear a robe

Role: Maintaining peace among two kingdoms

Commonly represented in the painting as: Zhaojun Leaving Hometown _ 昭君出塞 (zhāojūn chū sài)


Diao Chan 貂婵 - Her beauty causing the moon to hide 闭月

Dynasty: San guo 三国 (A.D. 220 - 280)

Beauty power: Someone noticed that when she was praying to the moon, the cloud suddenly appeared and covered the moon. Then the story started spreading telling that the beauty of Diao Chan caused the moon too shy to appear on the sky.

Weak point: Small earlobes; used to wear big ear rings

Role: Setting a trap to remove a tyrant

Commonly represented in the painting as: Diao Chan Praying to the Moon _ 貂婵拜月 (diāochán bài yuè)

Note: Diao Chan was the deadliest beauty among fours. However, she might be only a fictional figure as her name has never been mentioned in historical literature; however, found only in the famous Chinese novel: Romance of Three Kingdoms.


Yang Guifei 杨贵妃 (=Yang Yuhuan 杨玉环) - Her beauty discouraging peonies to bloom 羞花

Dynasty: Tang 唐朝 (A.D. 618 - 907)

Beauty power: Her beauty discouraged all peonies to bloom. Fact: She had planned to take a walk with the emperor in a one day evening. In that day in the morning, she had cut all peonies' roots. Hence when she and the emperor were taking a walk in that garden, all peonies didn't bloom as fresh as usual. Everyone thought that the peonies were too shy to show their beautiful bloom in front of Guifei's beauty. Eventually, the emperor was attracted to her and had her as the imperial concubine.

Weak point: Body odour; use perfume more often

Role: The most multi-talented one among the four beauties. Her main talents included playing chess, playing music instrument, dancing, and reading poem. When she became the high-ranked imperial concubine, she benefited all of her relatives through nepotism.

Commonly represented in the painting as: The Beauty of the Drunken Guifei _ 贵妃醉酒 (guìfēi zuì jiǔ)




Saturday, July 14, 2007

Chinese Clothing Determining the Dynasty

If you are watching a Chinese drama, you can determine in which dynasty the story has happened by looking at the characteristic of their clothing. Here, I only describe some obvious characteristic of clothing at several dynasty:

Qin Dynasty 秦朝 (B.C. 221-206)

  • Clothing was characterized by dark colour

Tang Dynasty 唐朝 (A.D. 618-907)

>The more fat the more sexy for ladies

>Ladies clothing - widened opened chest

>Lady's forehead painting; It's said that the princess had a little accident which left a small scratch on her forehead. Then she started to paint her forehead to cover the scratch. Apparently, it made her looked more beautiful. Painting forehead was then followed by other ladies.

Wudai Dynasty 五代 (A.D. 907-960)

  • Tiny shoes for ladies, called sāncùnjīnlián (三寸金莲) (translated: a 3-inch canary flower), as the smaller the feet the prettier

Song Dynasty 宋朝 (A.D. 960-1279)

  • Characteristic: long and wide sleeves

Yuan Dynasty 元朝 (A.D. 1271-1368)

  • The Mongolian tribe. The use of unique cap both on males and females

Ming Dynasty 明朝 (A.D. 1368-1644)

  • Characteristic: a squared/box form of male cap
  • Embroidery pattern on the front and the back of the cloth are the same, mostly characterized by preferred animals in this era, egret and phoenix.

Qing Dynasty 清朝 (A.D. 1636-1911)

  • Male unique cap, tied with some bird feather
  • Embroidery pattern on the front and the back of the male cloth are different, characterized by preferred animal in this era which are also different from Ming Dynasty
  • Big floral ornament on ladies head, hence slow elegant head movement
  • Lady's 'high shoes' as shown below

Dumpling - Jiaozi (for 2-3 persons)

dumpling - jiaozi

For the bao (coat):

  1. 400 gr flour
  2. salt (1 tea spoon)
  3. water
Add flour with water little by little, pour salt, mixed them gently until they becomes fine dough. You need to feel the texture, make sure the dough is not too wet. Put the dough in a bowl, coat it with a little amount of flour, leave it for about 15 minutes and cover the bowl with any lid.

For the xianr (filling), mix the following material together:

  1. minced pork (250 gr)
  2. skinned-shrimp cut into small boxes
  3. chives (as many as you want), chopped into small piece
  4. oil, soy sauce, salt, chicken stock (depending on your tongue)

Wrappingbao jiaozi (wrapping process)

This is a bit "mafan" as you need to see the person on how to make the wrapping, and how to wrap the filling properly.


Boil water, put all the jiaozi slowly, use a spoon to mix gently so they won't be attached each other. Wait until water get boiled, then add about half glass of cold water, wait again until water get boiled, and do the same procedure of adding cold water for another 2 times.


Mostly you need to use black vinegar-Chencu (陈醋), and mix it with minced garlic, coriander, chilly powder, depending on your preference.


The recipe of making jiaozi seems to be simple, however you need to ask some one who is already able to wrap and show you the technique, as wrapping is the most important process on making jiaozi. Hence, here i just need to write what the important materials and procedures are in making jiaozi. However if you want to practise, i am willing to show you how to do the wrapping, well...of course won't be as good as my Chinese friends do though, but as they said, still OK haha....Thanks to my Chinese teacher Xuli and my friend JiangYang for teaching me 'bao jiaozi'.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Chinese Chopsticks (2nd part-end)

Chinese chopsticks have a fixed shape, they must follow the role of:

上方下圆 (upper square lower round)
上粗下细 (upper thick lower thin)

Thus the original Chinese chopsticks are unique. Different from the Korean ones, what I have observed is that most of Korean Chopsticks are very thin and seems to be round from one tip to another.

Another point using chopsticks, you get 3 main advantages:
1. Simultaneously exercising about 30 body joints
2. Simultaneously exercising about 50 muscles of arms and fingers
3. In early stage (children), stimulating cerebrum

Do eat more using chopsticks, chop chop...chop chop...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Chinese Chopsticks (1st part)

keywords: Kuàizi, zhù, Tang Dynasty, changing name

Chopsticks, a simple form of a tool for eating, has a long history that shows the progress of civilization among the Chinese. Back to the Tang dynasty (A.D. 618-907), Chinese people commonly used the character "zhù" (箸) to refer chopsticks. However, the pronunciation of "zhù" (箸) is exactly the same as another character "zhù" (住) which literally means "to live in one place" (thus "STOP" in one place, not keep moving around in order to settle). In this case, it has a not-so-good meaning, as when people pronouncing "zhù" (箸) to refer chopsticks, it may analogy to "stop eating" .

Furthermore, the intellectual thought how to change the word to have a better meaning. Therefore, they gradually used the sound "kuài" from the character "快" which literally means "fast" to counteract the sense of "stop eating" (into something like "Keep fast eating so you won't stop eating!").

Then to make the adjective "kuài" (快) into a noun, they develop the character into "kuàizi" (筷子). Notice that they put the symbol character of bamboos "竹" above the character "快" (as in that era, chopsticks were maybe mostly made off bamboo). The attachment of the character "zi" (子)" clearly shows that this character refers to a real noun. Then eventually it becomes a complete noun of the word chopsticks, "kuàizi"_筷子 .

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Eight Roles: How to Use Chopsticks (from Zhongguo Wenhua Class)

Serving Chinese food on the dinning table; bowls of rice, chopsticks, couple dishes of meat and vegetables, a glass of wine or couple bottles of beer. Let's say that you are invited to have a dinner with your Chinese friend. According to Chinese roles, there are 8 roles you need to pay attention when using your chopsticks:
  1. DON'T BE SO PICKY (忌迷筷); take whatever you get, you can not return whatever you have picked with your own chopsticks back into the dish plate (so pay attention, carefully pick what you want to pick as you can't return it back)
  2. DON'T MESS UP THE DISH (忌翻筷); a tasty stir fried mixed vegetables are served in front of you. You know that you like the soft juicy enoki mushroom inside the dish very much. HOWEVER, you can not be so opportunistic to use your sticks moving the carrots, spinach, and so on, just to get the enoki which you notice still down at the bottom of the plate
  3. DON'T STAB (忌刺筷); you are desperately try to pick a fish ball with your chopsticks, then what you need to do is to ask for a spoon, never ever try to stab the food with your chopsticks
  4. NO STIRRING OR RINSING (忌涮筷); if you are having a hot pot of seafood soup, just take slowly what you want to pick, don't stir the soup with the chopsticks
  5. CHOPSTICK IS NOT A LOLLIPOP (忌舐筷); therefore you can't put it into your mouth for long
  6. CHOPSTICK IS NOT A TOOTH PICK (忌剔筷); so don't use it as your toothpick (you won't believe this, but some people does)
  7. NOT EITHER A DRUM STICK (忌响筷); so don't make noise with your chopsticks (this is totally different from the Korean culture, they do make noise with the chopsticks for some reason)
  8. NEVER ERECT your chopsticks above a bowl of rice (忌插筷); this position is served only in the altar for the decease
Now you are ready to use your chopsticks ... then ... Bon appetite! Enjoy your meals!