Eight Major Styles of Chinese Food - 八大菜系
Delicious Chinese cuisine can be divided into 8 kinds based on characteristics of its own origin, including the coloration (色), aroma (香), taste (味), and appearance (形); The taste of Chinese cooking from each region are commonly: south-sweet (南甜), north-salty (北咸), east-hot and spicy (东辣), west-sour (西酸). The 8 major styles of Chinese cuisine are:
1. Sichuan Cuisine (川菜) - Chuān cài
Pock-marked bean curd (麻婆豆腐) má pó dòu fu
- Chicken cubes with peanuts (宫保鸡丁) gōng bǎo jī dīng
- Pork shreds with fishy flavour (鱼香肉丝) yú xiāng ròu sī
- Flavored beef shreds (灯影牛肉) dēng yǐng niú ròu
- etc
Roasted suckling pig (烤乳猪) kǎo rǔ zhū
- Steamed turtle with chives sauce (清蒸甲鱼) qīng zhēng jiǎ yú
- King snake with bamboo slices (笋片烧蛇) sǔn piàn shāo shé
- Gourd cups (葫芦盅) hú lu zhōng
- etc
De Zhou grilled chicken (德州扒鸡) dé zhōu pǎ jī
- Bird's nest soup (清汤燕窝羹) qīng tāng yàn wō gēng
- Stewed clam (油爆大蛤) yóu bào dà gé
- Lotus flower and shrimps (荷花大虾) dà xiā
- etc
Stir fried chicken and vegetables (蔬菜炒鸡片) shū cài chǎo jī piàn
- Pork ball and crab casserole (砂锅蟹肉丸) shā guō xiè ròu wán
- Chicken corn soup (奶油鸡丝玉米汤) nǎi yóu jī sī yù mǐ tāng
- Squid with crispy rice crust (鱿鱼锅巴) yóu yú guō bā
- etc
Dong po pork (东坡肘子) dōng pō zhǒu zi
- Xihu sour fish (西湖醋鱼) xī hú cù yú
- Shrimp with tea flavour (龙井虾肉) lóng jǐng xiā ròu
- Beggar’s chicken (叫花鸡) jiào huā jī
- etc
Sea food and poultry casserole (红烧鱼翅) hóng shāo yú chì
- Steamed chicken with egg-white (芙蓉鸡丸) fú róng jī wán
- Fried prawn (油炸对虾) yóu zhá duì xiā
- Crispy butterfish with lychee (荔枝鲳鱼) lì zhī chāng yú
- etc
Dong'an chicken (东安鸡) dōng ān jī
- Braised pork (红烧肉) hóng shāo ròu
- Steamed turtle (清蒸海龟) qīng zhēng hǎi guī
- Chicken with cayenne pepper (辣子鸡丁) là zi jī dīng
- etc
Huang Shan stewed pigeon (黄山醉鸽) huáng shān zuì gē
- Gourd duck (葫芦鸭) hú lu yā
- Fricassee pork with egg-white (蛋花炖肉) dàn huā dùn ròu
- Pork rib with pine nuts (松仁排骨) sōng rén pái gǔ
- etc
Reference: baidu and my chinese friends
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