Tuban, after a week of training
Working in a place together with Singaporean expatriates gave me some unusual experience, particularly to deal with their weird characteristic. No need to feel inferior. Take it easy, this is just the beginning of the real world. There will still be a dozen more characteristics of people that you’ll never expect out there. Just be cool, calm, and confident! Do smile if you don’t want to say something stupid that may worsen the situation; at this situation: Silence is Golden
Remember, stay low profile!!!
The most difficult thing to learn in my working place:
Is not to learn the chemical reaction on hydrocarbon
Is not about making a monthly plan based on estimated material balance to maximize the gross margin
Not either is to understand the whole units applied to process crude oil into highly valuable xylene
It is how to deal with people with different characteristics, especially the weird one!!!
So, find out what the key is to deal with this!
Now you enter the real world, mate! Give them smile but be cautious! You are as level as them or even higher than them. They're just lucky to be born in a well-developed country. Just keep in mind: they're human as you are! They aren't alien!
Keep the spirit up, mate! YOU CAN BEAT THEM!
Alo Surya.. that only gave you a little 'scretch' in your little skectch of your life to grow you bigger.. keep moving forward, mate..!!
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