Durian + Alcohol = Hangover
Durian contains a sulfuric compound called mercaptan which strongly absorbs water from your body system, hence you'll feel dehydrated. The reason why we can not drink alcohol at the close period after eating durian is because alcohol performs a fast hydrolysis process which also breaks down water from your body, exacerbating your dehydration. The double effect of losing your body fluid will extremely suffer your brain, that's why you'll experience a hangover.
Tips: After you drink alcohol, you have to compensate it by drinking an amount of water at least at the same amount of alcohol you took. And after eating durian, drinking much water will be a wise thing to do. Never ever drink alcohol after eating durian, or the other way round!

Thanx to Lai Weng Hoi and Emmanuel for sharing the knowledge.
Broer, liat tuh orang manado. Mereka pada minum tuak dicampur durian...uenaaak and maknyeesss.... pengen?
Hi, i was googling for durian + alcohol then i came across ur blog, cuz my colleague drank Dom and ate durian and it caused her diarrea & sleepless nite. Dom contains alcohol, so luckily she did not drink a large amount of alcohol. But, i heard from old ppl saying that if u eat durian & drinkg alcohol at the same time, it will causes death. Isit true?
Well, I'm not really sure about the death causing effect of having durian and alcohol at the same time. If it is apparently bad for your health, then don't eat them at the same time irregardless of whether it may or may not cause death. It's another evident that your friend had suffered from having durian and alcohol, so better don't do the same mistake.
The old people might just exacarbate it, but the message is just the same: Don't eat durian and drink alcohol at the same time :)
Nice dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
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