Sunday, January 20, 2008

Brebes Salted Duck Egg

Here is what local Brebes people told me about the way to make their famous salted duck eggs.
What to prepare:
1. Fresh duck eggs, washed and rinsed with water
2. Abu gosok or burnt rice bran (this stuff can be easily found in any traditional market in Indonesia)
3. Salt, depending on how many eggs you use (100 eggs: 5 kg salt)
4. Water

Make the coating mixture: mix abu and salt, add water, stir them well until thick but not too watery.

Coat each egg with this mixture, then roll it on the dry abu, re-coat it tightly to make the coat layer strong and not easily detached during the storage

Keep the already coated eggs for 12 days

After 10-12 days, detach the coat, clean the eggs, and boil it. And you'll get the result like what I've done as shown in the pictures.

1. Coat the egg with a mixture of abu, salt, and water2. Re-coat the egg with dry abu
3. Store the coated eggs for 10-12 daysMy successful experiment, the salted duck egg, ready to eat ^-^

Thanks to Budi for being a good host


Anonymous said...

god i am so glad i found this but the thing is, i am not in indonesia, i am in england, how can i find Burn Rice Bran? i am in love with salted egg. pls tell me how

Surya said...

Dear Pinky,

Actually there is another way to make salted eggs. By soaking fresh clean eggs into salt water for certain days. My grandma used to do this way. I tried this once, but it was too salty.

What I can suggest is that you can substitute the bran with clay, the main material that is used to make bricks. Well, I myself haven't tried using clay to make the coating.

But Yes, I have seen some people doing that. They ground enough brick till smooth and use this stuff instead of the bran for the coating. Hope that helps :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Surya said...

Thank you very much for your comment. I'm trying my best to improve my blog :)

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