Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year Dinning

Thanks to Jeanette's mum for cooking such delicacy foods: lamb soup, couscous, eaten with merguez sausages. Thinking about that makes me mouth-watery already...mmm......!!! should ask the soup recipe, what herbs to use, and how to make the lamb so tender!!!

lamb soup grainy couscous merguez sausages


Anonymous said...

hiiii.. uda balik kerja?
jd pengen mkn cous2 lg
hix -sabine-

Surya said...

Yoi, dah back to work. Keliatannya nyokap jarang2 ya prepare couscous...harus spesial order! Kalo gtu gw sering2 ke Jkt aja biar qta bisa makan couscous lagee hehehe ;)