Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fixed Expression on Four Chinese Characters

红花绿树: lots varieties of flower and trees
青山绿水: have a beautiful scenery of mount and lake
五花八门: any good any thing is available
花花绿绿: has many color based on visualization, bright colored
五颜六色: has lots of color (emphasize on: color)
五彩缤纷 beautifully colorful

  1. 长生不老: immortality
  2. 聪明能干;年轻有为: smart competent promising age
  3. 丰富多彩(的): hilarious cheerful and merry (like in a party)
  4. 平安无事: safe and sound
  5. 四肢无力(的): have no physical strength and power
  6. 一针见血: straight into the heart
  7. 装模作样: pretending
  8. 艰苦奋斗: difficult struggling
  9. 炎黄子孙: Chinese descendant
  10. 热情周到: the real hospitality
  11. 款式新颖: attractive genius design
  12. 做工精细: fine delicate work
  13. 宾至如归: feel like home
  14. 兴旺繁荣(的): prosperous and nourishing
  15. 出谋划策: to give counsel
  16. 互敬互爱: love and respect each other (in general context)
  17. 原封不动: left intact and untouched
  18. 热情好客: warmth and friendly
  19. 盛情款待: kindness, great hospitality
  20. 招商引资: attractive to business and investment
  21. 四季如春: a place where all the time seems like spring forever
  22. 旅游胜地: tourist destination
  23. 名胜古迹: place of historical interest
  24. 脱贫致富: upper the poverty line
  25. 供不应求: demand exceeds supply
  26. 独生子女: the only child in one family
  27. 力所能及: based on own capability
  28. 与众不同: be different from others
  29. 大同小异: just similar, not much difference (of an idea, thing, etc)
  30. 明知故问: asking while already knowing the answer, unnecessary asking
  31. 岂有此理: how come it could be like this?!
  32. 胡说八道: bullshit
  33. 挑拨离间: like to ruin other people relationship/friendship
  34. 手忙脚乱: flurry due to excessively busy
  35. 真材实料: original good
  36. 梦寐以求: yearning for something everyday
  37. 一文不值: worthless thing
  38. 头脑简单;四肢发达: no brain; only good looking physically
  39. 爱慕虚荣: love being excessively pride
  40. 讲究外表: pay attention to appearance
  41. 外强中干: strong outside appearance but weak inside
  42. 名副其实: indeed good

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