Wednesday, July 18, 2007

About Tea

a tea set

Long long time ago in China, there was a king who loved to go hunting. One day he and his guards went for hunting. During hunting, the king felt thirsty. He wanted to drink hot water only (as most Chinese do until now). The guard started to boil some water they brought. Just before boiling, suddenly the wind blew, couple leaves fell down into the water. The guards worried about this. One of the guard tasted the water. He thought that the taste was good. Followed by other guards tasting the water, they also had the same thought. Then the king also tasted it, eventually also ended up with the same idea ... Good Taste ... Good Tea! ^.^

To make tea with the best taste, of course you to need use good tea leaves. Apart from that, you must also carefully pay attention to water you use. The best to the less good hot water to use are from:

  1. spring water
  2. rain water (left for couple days)
  3. melted snow/glacier (also left for couple days)
  4. bored water
  5. tap water

HABIT. When the host is pouring the tea into your cup, you need to knock your finger(s) on the table:

  1. One finger (usually point finger), representing only you your self in expressing 'thank you' to the host
  2. Two fingers (usually point and middle fingers), representing couple (husband-wife) in expressing so
  3. Five fingers, representing a group of people in expressing so

>>> Enjoy Your Tea <<<

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