Sunday, August 5, 2007

Bloody kampungan "I want to take a picture"

Another Chinese habit "kampungan!"

I joined a group tour to Tian Men Shan. While enjoying the scenery, suddenly someone said to me "Can you move a little bit there? I want to take a picture". It's like saying "Get out! You are ruining my picture!"

Geee! if he just wanted to take some pictures, just take it! Why should disturb other people, just take whatever the condition was. It really pissed me off. Can you imagine while enjoying the view, then someone asked you to go away! for what? just to take his picture. Bloody selfish!

I've noticed almost all Chinese everywhere, when taking pictures, always want to be only themselves inside their picture, no matter what the situation is, including in such a high crowd. But yet, you can't be so selfish like that though! Asking other people to leave like that!

Really such a disturbing behaviour!

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