Sunday, August 5, 2007

Voice of China

Each countries has different way to imitate the voice of nature. Here follows the expression of voice that Chinese people can understand:

  1. dog: 汪汪 (wangwang)
  2. cat: 喵 (miaow)
  3. cock: 喔喔喔喔 (wuwuwuwu...)
  4. hen: 咯咯咯咯嗒 (gegegegeda)
  5. chick: 叽叽 (jijijiji)
  6. cow: 哞 (muuu)
  7. sheep: 咩 (mieee)
  8. frog: 呱呱 (guagua)
  9. tiger: 嗷呜 (aouwww)
  10. heavy rain: 哗 (huaaa)
  11. shower rain: 滴答滴答 (didadida)

Laughing mode

哈哈哈: haha
吼吼吼: houhou
嘿嘿嘿: heiheihei
呵呵呵: hehehe
嘻嘻嘻: xixixi (bad-intention laugh)

Hungry mode

咕噜噜: gululu
咕咕叫: gugujiao

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